what parents are saying about Times Too

Learning times tables is crucial to your child’s mathematical development. It is rather like learning to walk before running. From the moment times tables are taught in school, multiplication and division materials are increasingly incorporated in mathematics. Any child will find two-digit multiplication pretty hard to perform, unless they can understand and know how to perform single digit multiplication, i.e. their times tables. The ability to easily perform multiplication is also the basis for learning division, fractions, percentages, area and much, much more. That means that the more help a child gets at home, the better they will be with all their maths.

Do you know how tables are taught at your child’s school? Do you know how much progress your child has made? Do you know the areas where your child is struggling and how you can help them?

Times Too is designed to help answer those questions and to provide schools with a way to ensure that times tables are being taught rigourously and that children are learning these fundamental concepts.


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How to get involved with Times Too

As times tables are the foundation for so much maths, many schools begin to introduce multiplication tables to children aged around 6, with the expectation that most children will know them (and the associated division facts) by the age of 9. Some children will take to multiplication, but many struggle with the concept. As with reading, schools frequently rely upon parents to reinforce and help children practise times tables at home and this is where Times Too comes in. Because it's web-based you can practise at home with your children using the same software they use in school.

Suggest Times Too for your school

If you think Times Too could work for your school then do please mention it to your child’s class teacher. Signing up a single class is free so there’s an easy way for them to try it out.

Times Too can help you help your child

Children can log on at home and practise the areas they need to learn as Times Too knows their strengths and weaknesses and tailors practice sessions to ‘plug the gaps’.


Best of all, time spent on Times Too at home will help your child earn credits which then count towards achievement certificates that are given out in school.


Our aim is to make Times Too something that will help you to help your child who will be learning faster and feeling more positive about maths, enjoying learning and achieving more both at home and at school. Together, we really can help children "learn to love times tables!"

All content is © Times Too Ltd. 2009 - 2011, a company registered in England under number 6850244.